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Georg-Wilhelm-Höfe (Georg-Wilhelm Courtyards):
Building development in the west of Wilhelmsburg

  • Total area:

    1,5 ha

  • Housing units:

    approx. 150

The Georg-Wilhelm-Höfe (Georg-Wilhelm Courtyards) are located in western Wilhelmsburg on a 1.5-hectare area between Georg-Wilhelm-Straße, Trettaustraße and Kurdamm 150 (map). By mid-2013, Sprachheilschule Wilhelmsburg (a school for children with speech impairments) had already moved in, having been integrated as part of the International Building Exhibition Hamburg 2006–2013 in the newly created Tor zur Welt education centre in Wilhelmsburg Mitte.

The Georg-Wilhelm-Höfe are notable for their special location in Wilhelmsburg, with residential buildings east of Georg-Wilhelm-Straße with the Inselpark behind and the commercial, partially industrial zones to the west. Structural development here will be able to fill a gap in the urban landscape.


Ronny Warnke

Project Coordinator

  • +49 040 226 227-0
  • ronny.warnke@iba-hamburg.de

Urban planning realisation competition

In 2010, an urban planning realisation competition was carried out to develop the best possible forward-looking solutions for the location. The competition was won by the Hamburg office czerner göttsch architekten, whose concept best met the special challenges of the location and impressed the judges with its suggestion of multi-storey flat typologies.

What happens next?

At the start of 2015, the first phase of construction on Kurdamm was completed, with 50 housing units: the Sonnenhöfe am Kurdamm.

At the present time, it is not yet possible to make any statements regarding the further development of the second construction phase. (as of December 2024)

At a glance:

District development in Wilhelmsburg

The three project areas of the Spreehafenviertel (Spreehafen District), Elbinselquartier (Elbe Island District) and Wilhelmsburger Rathausviertel (Wilhelmsburg Town Hall District) run from the north of the island to the Inselpark. The potential for residential construction here could provide around 4,900 new housing units. A particular feature is the green axis to be created by the developments.

With Georgswerder in the east of the island, a further 190 housing units and businesses will be added.

Another approx. 800 housing units may be built in the Georg-Wilhelm-Höfe (Georg-Wilhelm Courtyards) and Inselparkquartier (Inselpark District). Here, legal land use planning procedures are currently being prepared or are up and running.

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Wilhelmsburger Rathausviertel