Resolution on the development plan
Start of the public display of the development plan
Green loop and activity park competition decided
Public planning discussion
Approval of funding for the mobility hubs as part of the federal programme, National Urban Development Projects
Oberbillwerder Master Plan receives preliminary platinum DGNB certificate.
Agreement to initiate the legal land use planning process by Bergedorf borough council assembly
Approval of the master plan by the Hamburg Senate
The advisory committee decides on the design by ADEPT with Karres + Brands und Transsolar Energietechnik.
Public final presentation, dialogue phase II
Public planning workshop, dialogue phase II
The advisory committee selects four designs for the second phase of dialogue
Public final presentation, dialogue phase I
Public planning workshop, dialogue phase I
Start of youth participation
Start of the competitive dialogue
Presentation of tasks for competitive dialogue
Ideas workshop
Opening event and start of online participation
Commission from the Hamburg Senate for the IBA Hamburg to develop a master plan